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Clinical study on Yiqi Xuanfei decoction in treating functional constipation with Qixu syndrome in old age
苏 平1曹利平1蔡绪明1马 也2
(1.陕西省中医医院,陕西 西安 710003; 2.杨凌示范区医院,陕西 杨凌 712100)
SU PingCAO LipingCAI XumingMA Ye
(Shaanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Xi'an 710003,China)
功能性便秘 益气宣肺汤 气虚证 提壶揭盖法 便秘症状积分 老年人
Functional constipation Yiqi Xuanfei decoction Qixu syndrome Tihu Jiegai theory Constipation symptom score Elderly people
R 256.35
Objective:To study the efficacy of Yiqi Xuanfei decoction in the treatment of functional constipation with Qixu syndrome.Methods:80 elderly patients of functional constipation with Qixu syndrome were divided into Yiqi Xuanfei decoction group and lactulose group,40 cases in each group.The Yiqi Xuanfei decoction group was given Yiqi Xuanfei decoction,and the lactilose group given lactose solution orally.Both groups were treated for 4 weeks.Clinical efficacy,constipation symptom score,average number of spontaneous complete defecation(ANSCD)per week,quality of life scores were compared between the two groups.Results:After treatment,the total effective rate of the Yiqi Xuanfei decoction group was 100%,which was higher than 82.5% of the lactilose group,difference statistical significant(P<0.05).The significant effective rate of the Yiqi Xuanfei decoction group was 90.0%,which was higher than 42.5% in the lactilose group,difference statistically significant(P<0.01).After treatment,constipation symptom scores in both groups decreased,while ANSCD increased,with statistical significance in the two groups(all P<0.05).After treatment,the score of constipation symptom in the Yiqi Xuanfei decoction group was lower than that in the lactilose group,and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).After treatment,the indicators of quality of life score in the two groups were improved compared with before treatment,and indicators of quality of life score in the Yiqi Xuanfei decoction group was better than that in the lactilose group,with statistical significance(all P<0.05).Conclusion:Yiqi Xuanfei decoction in the treatment of functional constipation with Qixu syndrome in elderly patients is better than lactose solution,and can improve the quality of life,reduce accompanying symptoms.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-09-10